First Diaries

Initially for my rantings, but now inspired by Illustration Friday!...We'll see how long this creative urge of mine will last...

Monday, January 31, 2005

End of January 2005

I have nothing to share.

But am blogging just because I realised that before this post, I hv been writing only once a month so far-July, Dec and January. So, must make at least 2 posts for January 2005.

I have been pseudo-contributing to Illustration Friday-honest! The illos for every week are all in my sketchbook. But, no time to actually paint them and scan and do touch-ups with MicPhoto.

Last week, I was a bimbo for a bit. Got a phone call from a recruitment consultant whilst I was cooking dinner. I updated my CV 2 weeks ago and was in an 'application-frenzy', applying for all jobs overseas, which I thought I was qualified for. I didn't keep track of the vacancies I sent my CVs for.

This guy called, from London. He didn't know what time it was in Malaysia. It was 9.30 p.m. He asked whether it was a good time to talk, I said yes whilst watching from the corner of my eye PIMA struggling with the steak on the griller. Then, he started asking the typical questions that recruitment consultants ask candidates. Then...

"So, tell me, why do you want to apply for a job in Anonymous Country?"

"I applied for it, not because of the Anonymous Country per se, but because of the job description i.e. job scope. I have been wanting to get into in-house blah3x....and this seems to be a good opportunity to do so blah3x..."

"Oh I see, so you are wanting to get into in-house, Ms Avatar. But the job you applied for is in an international law firm in Anonymous Country. So, are you only interested in in-house positions?"

*aaaaaahhhhh...wrong job! I was thinking of the wrong vacancy all this while??? Did i even apply for this job?*

" am also interested in private practice. I am interested in both..." *trying very hard to sound convincing whilst slamming right hand onto upper part of face*

Anyway, the lesson to be learnt is - after sending your applications, bring the list of all the positions you have applied for together with the corresponding recruitment consultants, wherever you go...cos you never know when these guys will call you up. And, don't apply for more than 1 job in any 1 country. Gets too confusing. Trust me.

I have not heard from him since.